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Architecture Discipline
2023-05-06 16:38  

After more than thirty years of exploration and development, the discipline of architecture has gradually established a systematic and complete discipline system with architectural creation theory as the core, architectural history and architectural technology as the support, covering urban renewal design, large space architectural design technology, and green building energy-saving technology.The theoretical research on architectural creation emphasizes the characteristics of regional architecture and regional context. The study of historical architecture focuses on the history of local architecture in Northeast China, while the study of architectural technology focuses on the ecological energy-saving technology of cold buildings, forming a disciplinary characteristic characterized by the natural and cultural characteristics of Northeast China.The discipline has accumulated epistemology, subject theory, acceptance theory of architectural creation, as well as research directions such as historical buildings and heritage protection in Northeast China, and energy saving technology in cold regions. It has accumulated multi-level landmark research achievements such as theoretical research, implementation plans, technical standards, policies and regulations, and has developed into an influential discipline research platform in Northeast China, and training bases for technical consultants of local governments, outstanding talents in the field of architecture.

Professor Zhang Lingling, the leader of the architecture discipline, is a national master of engineering survey and design, a member of the State Council Discipline Evaluation Group, a special allowance expert of the State Council, the Deputy Secretary General of the Chinese Architecture Society, the Executive Director of the World Association of Chinese Architects, the Vice Chairman of the Industrial Architecture Branch of the Chinese Architecture Society, the Vice Chairman of the Education Evaluation Committee of the Chinese Architecture Society, and a member of the Education and Practice Committee of the Chinese Architecture Society, Member of the National Higher Education Architecture Professional Evaluation Committee, Member of the National Higher Education Architecture Professional Guidance Committee, and Director of the Liaoning Province Architecture Professional Guidance Committee; Liaoning Province Climbing Scholar; Editorial board member of journals such as "Architectural Journal", "Architects", "Chinese Architectural Education", "New Architecture", "Future Architecture", and "Urban Environmental Design"; Member of the editorial board of the Chinese Architectural Art Yearbook. Since 2010, he has led 16 national level projects, won 7 national awards, and was approved as a key project by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. He has also won the first prize of the "National Excellent Engineering Survey and Design Industry Award" for Excellent Architectural Engineering Design.

At present, the discipline of architecture has formed academic achievements that are comparable to the "Old Eight Schools of Architecture", especially the research on large space public buildings represented by the national key project "Green Design Theory and Methods for Large Space Public Buildings in Cold Regions" and the 13th Five Year National Key Research Plan "New Methods and Technical Coordination and Optimization for Green Design of Tall Space Public Buildings in Northern Regions", which is already in a leading position in China.

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